Why Is eCommerce Website Speed or Page Speed So Important?
Did you know that 93% of people bounce off a website that doesnât load quickly? fast-loading pages are significantly linked to e-commerce success. Not only do speedy sites encourage visitors to stay on the site for longer, but just a one-second site speed improvement could boost your conversion rate by 27%. Also, if your page loading speed is slow, youâll find yourself further down the search string. Slow page loading speed also encourages a higher bounce rate.
Study shows that the probability of bounce increases by 32% as page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds. And if we see the statistics in detail then, 40% of online users will abandon a website that takes longer than three seconds to load. Pages that take only one or two seconds to load have an average bounce rate of 9%, but pages that take five seconds to load have an average bounce rate of 38%.
What are the Factors that Impact Site Speed?
Heavy Visual Effects.
Too many high-definition images.
Non-Optimized Videos.
Excessive usage of plugins and Scripts.
But Webrex SEO App offers you the solution for it i.e. Google Page Speed. You just need to log in to the App and Click On the Google Page Speed tab. Click On the Enable Speed Optimize button
You can check the Speed status before optimization and After optimization and compare both.
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